
Dorfbauer (Lukas J.)

Dorfbauer, Lukas J., and Roger Gryson, “Ein Fragment eines unbekannten Apokalypse-Kommentars aus hiberno-lateinischer Tradition / Un nouveau fragment hiberno-latin sur l'Apocalypse”, Revue Bénédictine 129:1 (2019): 109–142.  
A Carolingian manuscript fragment, preserved in the Kärntner Landesarchiv in Klagenfurt, contains remnants of an unknown commentary on Revelation. The present article offers a paleographical description of the fragment, a full discussion and an edition of the text. It is demonstrated that the fragme[n]tary work depends on a lost Hiberno-Latin commentary from the first half of the 8th century which was also used in the Pauca problesmata de enigmatibus ex tomis canonicis, in the exegetical compilation on the bible by Theodulf of Orléans, and in a gloss preserved in a Breton manuscript, and which itself made use of the commentary on Revelation by Tyconius. Thus, the fragment from Klagenfurt is of importance for our knowledge of the exegesis of Revelation in the early middle ages.
Dorfbauer, Lukas J., “Fortunatian von Aquileia und der Matthäus-Kommentar des „Frigulus“ (CPL 1121e)”, Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 50 (2015): 59–90.
Dorfbauer, Lukas J., “Trunksucht in Blütenlesen: die beiden Sprüche ‘Ebrietas abluit memoriam... Sobrietas salvat memoriam...’”, Keltische Forschungen 4 (2009): 127–162.


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